Standard Elves Bargain Budget Build

What better way to end 2018 than taking a look at a sick Standard budget Elves list from the one and only Curtis Spivey! If you love overwhelming your opponent with a bunch of value-centric Elf Druids than this list is for you. What do you think? Are you going to be taking this green swarm to your next FNM?

Don’t forget – you can get all of the singles you need for this deck and more on our website!


You got some critters.

You got some “not critters.”

A real complicated mana base.

And a sideboard!

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Curtis Spivey is a 36-year-old Magic player from Nampa, ID. Curtis started playing magic during the Ice Age block in 1995. Primarily Playing in the Modern format , Curtis Loves all things Legacy and has found new love for brewing decks and playing under played standard card!. Curtis is currently an original team member of ABU Games avid lover of spending time with his family and playing all things magic the gathering. Follow Curtis on Twitter @TheMtGBeard and Instagram @Stricklynora