Fan Favorite Friday #21: Swords to Plowshares
*Woah, so, since we pushed this article a week, my old introduction makes like, absolutely no sense! Extra Life already happened! I almost died! I fell asleep in the middle of a Masters 25 draft! Weird! Anyway, I’m going to leave it as is, and you can pretend you’re a time traveler!* Hello everybody, and
Legacy Goblins at ABU’s first Win-a-Dual
Hey, what’s up, everybody! It’s Joe here with a big ol’ Legacy Goblins double whammy for you! This past weekend was the first in ABU’s new Win-A-Dual Series, taking place during our Extra Life Extravaganza (where we raised over $5000 for our local Children’s Hospital! Be sure to come out for next month’s Win-A-Dual for
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